Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Some Common Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid While Choosing From Product Packaging Services in Australia

Going through several packaging service options before choosing the most suitable one is an exhausting experience. Most people tend to handle the task perfunctorily, which is not ideal for the reputation or growth of the business. Whether, this is your first business attempt or the nth one, staying away from common mistakes will be a smart decision. So if you consider the subject of product packaging services with care and do thorough research, the outcome will be beneficial.

The most frequent mistakes that people usually make and the ones you can avoid with ease are:

Assuming things about the service provider 

You can find out almost every information about the service provider you are choosing. At the same time, you may have some lofty ideas and expectation from the source. It will be quite beneficial for you and your business not to assume things about the company you are choosing. This way, unnecessary expectations won’t be created, and you won’t have to face frustration and hopelessness.

Seeing the estimate for one service and thinking it fits others 

Most of the mistakes people do are financial. More often than not, business owners go through some sample projects and sample financial estimation. When it comes to their service, the apparent disparity in the fee confuses and angers them. You should understand that the sample project is for giving you an idea of the process. To make the service suitable, you will have to pay an additional fee.

Thinking that everything can be started immediately 

If you are choosing simple product packaging services and do not need any additional changes, then the process can start immediately, depending on the size of your order. If that is not the case, and you have various demands, fulfilling multiple aspects of your vision, then more time will be required. You should be prepared for the same.

Underestimating the importance of two way communication 

When selecting the service and placing your order, you have to state what you want clearly and your exact goal for choosing the service provider. Likewise, the chosen company should be equally clear on what you can expect, how much the work will cost, how much time will be required and so on. If the communication is not clear from both sides, unexpected complications may crop up, impacting the project negatively.

These are some of the most frequent mistakes people end up making when choosing any service, including packaging. Staying away from them and taking care not to commit them will be the best course of action for you. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Packaging Industry Is Going Gaga Over Cardboard Tube Packaging

Tubular packaging is the future, industrialists say. The fad of cardboard tube packaging continues strong, thanks to a wide range of benefits. Today, the worldwide progress of packaging designs is indistinguishable from tubular packaging. With more and more industrial players hinging on tubular packaging, product designers are indeed keener than ever to capitalise on the fad.

cardboard tube packaging

An Array of Tube Packaging Designs 

The inherent convenience and portability of tubular packaging are what endears it to the packaging industry. Across healthcare and cosmetics, tubular packaging has been providing the Midas touch. 

Significantly, tubular packaging gives enough room for innovation, which is instrumental in enhancing the brand appeal of products. The latest trends show that tube packaging will grow exponentially in the coming years. By 2024, the CAGR of tubular packaging is expected to grow 5.46%, whereas, by 2025, tubular packaging is likely to notch up a staggering $4.2 billion growth. 

The demand for squeeze tubes will grow even stronger, almost by 7.5%, if not higher. Thus, product designers are advised to keep ahead of the rising market demands. 

The Global Picture of Tube Packaging

Globally, cardboard tube packaging and others continue to witness explosive growth. According to surveys, the use of tubular packaging in the US will shoot up by 5.6% while Germany will contribute over $140 billion in tubular product sales. Both Japan and China will add $240 million and $1 billion in tubular product sales, respectively. The global picture of tube packaging is affirmative.

Why the Demand for Tube Packaging?

Not that cardboard tubes were not in demand earlier. However, with the spate in urbanisation, disposable incomes and the rise in millennial population, tubular packaging is the star today. Moreover, both sustainability and durability are prime motivators of the rising demand. Thus, the fad is not expected to peter out anytime soon, given the ecological stakes involved.